Journal of Academic Perspectives
Journal of Academic Perspectives

Journal of Academic Perspectives

Author Guidelines

Editorial Procedures
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Academic Perspectives are processed as follows:

  • Upon receipt, the staff initially reviews the manuscript. If the manuscript does not fall within the scope of the Journal or is not stylistically consistent with an accepted format (CMS, APA or AMA), it will be returned to the author. 
  • If a manuscript is in accord with the guidelines, an email acknowledgment is sent to the author.
  • All references to the author’s name and affiliation are removed and the manuscript is submitted for review to two members of the Editorial Advisory Board.
  • With the advice of the Reviewers, the Editor will make one of four decisions: accept, accept contingent on revision, revise and resubmit, or reject. In the case of conditional acceptance, the Editor will specify the necessary revisions in writing to the author. In the case of a request for revision and resubmission, the Editor will suggest or specify revisions in writing to the author. Upon resubmission, the manuscript will be treated as a new manuscript and will be submitted to the same blind review as the initial process.


Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Academic Perspectives cannot be under consideration for publication by other journals. If a paper has been presented at a meeting or conference, the author should state where and when the paper was presented. After acceptance, a manuscript or any portion of a paper may not be published elsewhere without written approval from the Editor of the Journal of Academic Perspectives. 

Technical and Stylistic Requirements 
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Academic Perspectives must be grammatically correct and stylistically consistent.

Manuscripts may be submitted in one of several formats:

1. CMS. The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed., for scientific and statistical work. 

2. APA. See the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for manuscripts in the social and behavioral sciences.

3. AMA. See the American Medical Association’s Manual of Style for medical and health-related manuscripts.


Additional Requirements:

  • Microsoft Word is the preferred file format. PDFs are not acceptable. All papers should be double-spaced, including endnotes, and set in 12-point type. Please include endnotes, which will be published as footnotes in print.
  • Your manuscript should contain no author reference in the file. Submit a separate document with a title page, author names, and contact information in Word format.
  • Copy should be double-spaced with margins of 1" at the top, bottom, and both sides. The manuscript should contain an abstract (about 300 words), introduction, and conclusion.
  • The abstract must provide a concise summary of the research topic, the research strategy used for the analysis, the results obtained from the analysis, and the implications of the findings.
  • Our guideline for the length of the paper is 30 double-spaced pages. This guideline is not a limit, or a minimum, or a maximum, or a prescription.
  • An alphabetical listing of references is required. References cited in the text should agree with those in the reference list. All titles in the reference list should be spelled out rather than abbreviated.
  • Clearly indicate heading levels throughout the manuscript.
  • Tables and graphs should be kept to a maximum of five. 
  • The title page should be a separate document and contain the following: Title of the paper; the author’s(s’) full name; institutional affiliation and position, telephone number, and e-mail address; statement of place and date of previous oral presentation of the paper, if any; and a disclaimer statement, if applicable.
  • All correspondence and contact during the review and production processes will be addressed to the first author listed. 
  • A copy of the letter of permission for the use of previously published material (e.g., long extracts and reproductions of figures) should be included. Permission letters for any copyrighted material must accompany the author’s consent to publish form. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission for any copyrighted material and to pay for the associated permission fees. Authors should request World English language rights for print and online use.


​Should your article be accepted for publication, you will be emailed a form to secure copyright permissions. Please sign and email a copy back. You can review our copyright information here.


Manuscript processing and publishing do not require a fee. Articles are open access. 

Issued quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring)


The Editorial Staff and Board welcome any inquiries concerning the policies and processes of the Journal of Academic Perspectives.

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