Journal of Academic Perspectives
Journal of Academic Perspectives


Padgett, Jared D.

University of Phoenix, US | 2019 No. 2 | 2020 No. 3

Palmer, Nicholas

University of Southern Queensland, Australia | 2017 No. 2

Palthe, Jennifer

Western Michigan University, US | 2010 No. 1

Papachristos, Eleftherios

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway | 2024 No. 3

Parkin, Robert E.

University of Massachusetts, Lowell, US | 2010 No. 1

Passley, Josef Antonio

Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, US | 2010 No. 2

Pate, Amanda Geary

University of the West of Scotland, UK | 2014 No. 2

Pauley, John A.

Simpson College, US | 2015 No. 2

Pendergast, Donna

Griffith University, Asustralia | 2018 No. 3

Penrod, Lynn

University of Alberta, Canada | 2019 No. 1

Perdue, Daniel

Virginia Commonwealth University, US | 2008 No. 3

Perryer, Chris

The University of Western Australia, Australia | 2011 No. 1

Phillips, Ronald Sydney

Nipissing University, Canada | 2024 No. 1

Pienaar, Josua

Central Queensland University, Australia | 2016 No. 2

Pierce, Shelly M.

Southern Illinois Healthcare, US |  2019 No. 2 

Pleșcău, Alexandru Ionuț 

University of Bucharest, Romania | 2018 No. 4

Plowman, David H.

The University of Western Australia, Australia | 2011 No. 2

Plunkett, Linda

Nonprofit Consultant | 2015 No. 2 | 2019 No. 3 

Polk, Andrew R.

Middle Tennessee State University, US | 2016 No. 4

Poto, Margherita Paola

Jebsen Center for the Law of the Sea, Norway | 2017 No. 3

Prabhakar, G.V.

Aurora P.G. College, India | 2010 No. 3

Pring, Richard

University of Oxford, UK | 2019 No. 3

Proctor, Melani Lea

Northern District of California, US | 2015 No. 3

Pryor, Stephen

State University of New York College at Old Westbury, US | 2011 No. 1


Volume 2024 No. 5

ISSN 2328-8264





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